【同义词辨析】 2020-06-04 浮夸bombast-fustian

bombast: implies verbose grandiosity or inflation of style disproportionate to the thought: pedestrian ideas dressed up with ~.     verbose啰嗦沉闷using more words than necessary to express thought    inflated膨胀的,注入气体,如通货膨胀   grandiose宏大壮观华而不实refers to something that exceeds ordinary size but often derogatorily implies inflated pretention and absurd exaggeration膨胀的矫饰和荒唐的夸张,如"such impressiveness usually takes the form of a truly grandiose realism这种令人印象深刻的场面通常采用宏伟的现实主义的形式"是新四中的一句,如grandiose schemes of world conquest华而不实的征服世界的计划)    (这个词和pomp一起记,pomp气派排场,如场面礼服装饰音乐等,如all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding皇室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式,见文末pompous注释bombast华而不实的言辞大话means words which sound important but have little meaning, used to impress people,如a bombastic speaker大放厥词的演说家,如there was no bombast or conceit in his speech他的演讲没有夸大其词和自吹自擂。 两个词的词形十分相似,比较好记)  

rhapsody: applies to an ecstatic
or effusive utterance governed more by the feelings than by logical thought and may specifically describe an excess of more or less incoherent praise: she went into ~ over their new house.   ecstatic狂喜的implies overwhelming joy and happiness,如she was absolutely ecstatic at the news得知这个消息时她高兴极了  effusive洋溢奔放的implies unrestrained expression,如an effusive welcome热情洋溢的欢迎)   coherent连贯的解释较简单:connected

rant: stresses extravagance
or violence in expressing something: the ~s and ravings of political fanatics.   (extravagance夸张离谱implies lack of restraint指缺乏克制and a wild and foolish wandering from normal and accustomed limits脱离常规,如extravagant claims for its effectiveness对于其功效的夸大其辞,如he is extravagant in behaviour/living行为放肆/生活奢侈,如extravagant vegetation/price/praise植物茂盛/价格过高/过分赞扬    来自词根VAG表示游荡流浪to wander,如vagabond流浪者vagary狂想奇想vague模糊)     rant and rave大喊大叫是固定搭配mean to talk loudly and angrily in an uncontrolled way大声叫嚷失去控制,如I don't rant and rave or throw tea cups我不会大喊大叫或摔茶杯

fustian: stresses the banality of what is expressed: dimestore novels bursting with romantic ~.   fustian本意是一种粗布料a thick cloth,后比喻乏味无新意    banal庸俗乏味
毫无新意so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring,如songs with banal, repeated words歌词乏味又重复,如"but of what human import is all this effort ...... when the story, the representation of life, is hollow, stupid, banal, childish但是,当表现生活的剧本如此空洞愚蠢庸俗幼稚时,这些特效又有什么用呢?"和grandiose一样选自85版新四《好莱坞的语言the language of hollywood》该篇文笔优美,但在新版已被删除,85版新四60篇篇篇经典字字珠玑,新版作了删除替换后仅余48篇,许多经典都被何博士删除。请尽量学习购买85版新四吧,大概不会有这么经典的书了,连接近的都没有

bombast浮夸: 指浮华夸张的言辞,和思想不成比例,rhapsody狂喜赞扬狂想: 表示狂喜奔放感情赞扬
欠考虑不连贯,rant叫嚷: 强调言辞激烈夸张,fustian浮夸: 强调乏味无新意

记忆方法: 1)首字母BRRF不妨忍忍<==浮夸

         2)浮夸的意思是说话写作浮华mean speech
or writing characterized by high-flown pomposity or pretentiousness.         pompous自负浮夸:说话做事虚华浮夸,如使用正式繁长的词语implies conceit especially by using long and formal words, 如a pompous politician/remark自命不凡言辞浮夸的政客/言论,如a pompous official一个自负的官员,如a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything一个自负的傻瓜以为自己什么都知道;pompous还表示气派排场,即盛大壮观或浮华very grand and elaborate,如pompous feast盛大宴会,如the service was grand without being pompous仪式场面宏大,却不浮华